
Manual Configuration

How to manually configure your SlideRule Analytics Shopify to Google Analytics 4 integration.

Open your SlideRule Analytics store's configuration. As you can see, we're going to need a Measurement Id and a Measurement Protocol API Secret from our Google Analytics 4 property to complete the configuration.

SlideRule Analytics store configuration

Create Your Google Analytics 4 Property

In a new tab, open analytics.google.com. Make sure you're logged into the correct Google account.

Google Analytics homepage

Click Admin in the lower left.

Admin section in Google Analytics

Select the Google Analytics account that contains your existing Universal Analytics property if you have one. If you don't have a Google Analytics account, create one and name it after your company like "SlideRule Analytics" is named after ours below.

Selecting Google Analytics account

If you don't have an existing GA4 property, click "Create Property". If you do, skip to the creating the Measurement Protocol API Secret section.

Creating GA4 property

Name the property "Google Analytics 4" and select your Shopify store's timezone and currency. Make sure the currency matches your store's currency. Without this, Google Analytics will not convert currencies correctly and your revenue data will be wrong.

Naming GA4 property

Select "Analyze my online sales" and click Create.

Creating GA4 property for online sales

You've successfully created your Google Analytics 4 property.

Create Your Data Stream

Go to Data Streams and select Web.

Data Streams section in GA4

Enter your store's url, name the stream "Websites", and click Create stream.

Creating Web Data Stream in GA4

Copy your Measurement Id

Copying Measurement Id from GA4

And add it to your configuration.

Adding Measurement Id to SlideRule Analytics configuration

Warning: Do not create multiple Web Data Streams in your Google Analytics 4 property. Use the same "Websites" Stream you just created for all sites related to your store, including landing pages, help pages, etc.

Warning about multiple Web Data Streams

Create Your Measurement Protocol API Secret

Return to your Google Analytics Data Stream and click "Measurement Protocol API secrets"

Measurement Protocol API secrets section in GA4

Review and accept terms

Reviewing terms for Measurement Protocol API Secret

Click "Create"

Creating Measurement Protocol API Secret

Name the API secret "SlideRule Analytics" and click "Create"

Naming the Measurement Protocol API Secret

Copy the API secret

Copying Measurement Protocol API Secret

And add it to your configuration.

Adding API Secret to SlideRule Analytics configuration

You have now completed your SlideRule Analytics Shopify to Google Analytics 4 integration. The app will start sending data from Shopify to GA4 immediately.