
Define and Filter Internal Traffic

How to define and filter internal traffic out of your GA4 property.

Defining and filtering our internal traffic ensures that visits from our internal team don't skew our metrics and reporting in Google Analytics.

Close the Measurement Protocols window and click "Configure tag settings"

Configure tag settings

Click "Show all" and select "Define internal traffic"

Define internal traffic option

Click "Create"

Create internal traffic definition

Use Google to find your IP address.

Finding IP address on Google

Select "IP address equals" and enter your IP address.

Enter IP address for internal traffic

Click "Add condition" to add other IP addresses as needed. If you have IP filters defined in Universal Analytics (under Views > Filters) you can copy them all over here.

Adding more IP conditions

Click "Create" to finish the internal data definition.

Finalizing internal data definition

Unlike Universal Analytics, we have only defined what is internal data with IP addresses above. We still have to filter out internal data from Google Analytics. To do so, complete the steps below.

Close the Google tag Configuration window and click "Data Settings"

Data Settings in Google Analytics

Select "Data Filters"

Data Filters option

Click "Internal Traffic"

Internal Traffic filter

And switch the internal filter from "Testing" to "Active" and save.

Activating internal traffic filter

Activate the filter.

Activating the filter

Now Google Analytics will filter out all internal traffic defined by our IP addresses from the reported data. Next, we want to filter out developer traffic. SlideRule Analytics automatically flags all hits from Shopify preview mode as developer traffic, so you just need to create the filter in Google Analytics.

Create another filter and select "Developer Traffic"

Creating Developer Traffic filter

Name the filter "Developer Traffic", set it to "Active", click "Create", and Activate the filter. You don't need to worry about testing. SlideRule Analytics flags developer traffic correctly.

Finalizing Developer Traffic filter

Google Analytics will now filter out internal and developer traffic from your data.