
Configure Cross Domain Tracking

How to configure cross domain traffic if you have multiple root domains pointing to the same GA4 property.

If you have multiple domains (mystore.com and mylandingsite.com) you need to configure cross-domain tracking in Google Analytics 4 so it can track users as they move from one domain to the other.

Return to your Websites Data Stream settings.

Websites Data Stream settings

Select "Configure tag settings"

Configure tag settings option

Select "Configure your domains"

Configure your domains option

Click "Add condition"

Add condition for domains

Enter your store's domain and add a new condition for each domain that sends data to this Google Analytics 4 property. You only need to add separate root domains (myfirststore.com & mysecondstore.com), not subdomains (first.mystore.com & second.mystore.com).

Adding root domains

If your landing pages are hosted on a separate root domain (like mystore.unbounce.com), be sure to add them here.

Click "Save"

Save cross-domain settings